Starting to study Spanish & homestay in Antigua!! , Antigua, Guatemala

Antigua - 62Julio

To study Spanish reasonably in old capital Antigua.

Antigua in Guatemala is a small city, but it was the capital.

Antigua - 38cerro
↑View from a hill.

It is located on a basin like small Kyoto. Many long-stayers from foreign countries live here because they can study Spanish reasonably and it is comfortable to stay.

In the central plaza, at night, some street musicians play and there are many audiences. So it is said it is comparatively safe.

Antigua - 102park
↑Central plaza at daytime

Sure, many Japanese stays here and study Spanish in a school.
We were introduced a private teacher from my Japanese friend living in Tokyo. The teacher was Julio, who was a friend of my friend. It is a chance!
We would stay at his mother’s house and study in the garden. Yes!! It took 0 minutes by walk. Hahaha.

Antigua - 62Julio
↑Studying Spanish

When we were in Japan, we could dance latin pair dance ; Salsa, Bachata, and etc…So we were accustomed to Spanish a little. However it was first time to study Spanish.

We wanted to talk in Spanish!!

About Antigua, and special coffee

I want to explain Antigua because we stay here for a long time.


Antigua means ‘Old’ in Spanish. After Spanish people came, sometimes the capital city was changed. The former capital before Guatemala city is Antigua.

The reason to change the capital was for the volcanic eruptions and  earthquakes associated with them.
In fact, Guatemala is a Volcanic country. From the center of Antigua, we can see 2 volcanos, sometimes raising the volcanic plume.

Antigua - 07tower
↑Central street

Basically buildings are built of brick and low layer. Because it is in case of an earthquake.

Antigua - 12mountain
↑Beautiful volcano like Mt. Fuji in Japan

I think with many volcanos, soils of Guatemala are so nice for food production. Because volcanic eruptions make the soils good as a result. So Coffees made in Antigua are known as ‘high-quarity’ in the world. You can see them in Starbucks or famous roasters.

We can enjoy a cup of coffee in a cafe in Antigua in 1-2 Euros. Basically every cafe is high-level and so interesting to visit for cafe lovers!!